
Friday, February 8, 2008

Warren Buffett concern about U.S Dollars

CNBC's Buffett Watch had posted Warren Buffett to CNBC: Dollar May Become "Worth Less" .. Not "Worthless". During Buffett visit to Toronto, He has given his comment on the U.S dollar.

Mr. Buffett is concern about the trade deficit. He comment that the dollar would be "worth less" if the nation's current account deficit isn't brought under control.

U.S dollars has been declining against major currencies, Mr. Buffett would expect decline in U.S dollar against major currencies if the same policies continue.

If U.S dollar is going to decline, in the next five or ten years what is going to happened in U.S? What would Mr. Buffett do to bring Berkshire Hathaway out of the U.S dollar danger zone?

More Information on Buffett's Toronto Talk:

Warren Buffett Makes News (and Money) in Canada
Buffett loves that Loonie
Buffett: No economic bailout necessary (Interview with FP)
Wit and wisdom of Omaha's sage
Buffett sitting on his wallet
Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett says U.S. dollar likely to continue to decline
Warren Buffett says recession wouldn't change way he operates
Warren Buffett blames banks for meltdown
Buffett - Bank woes are "poetic justice"
Buffett Sees No Credit Crunch, Forecasts Lower Dollar
Warren Buffett says U.S. dollar 'worthless' if account deficit persists

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